
A twinstick shooter PvP to battle with your friends.

Shoot'em 2024

After my 2024 internship, I had a LAN game session planned with my friends. As an aspiring video game programmer, I felt it was my duty to create a game for the occasion. I spent some of my free time at home working on this small video game over the course of a few weeks, and I ended up making it quite enjoyable.

I believe what made it successful is that, rather than simply creating a game for the sake of it, I had the goal of playing it afterward. This focus provided a great exercise that allowed me to apply what I learned from other projects. While I don’t work on it as much now, I still add a few updates here and there whenever another game session is planned.

The game itself is a local twin-stick shooter where each player controls their own character. The objective is to eliminate other players to achieve the highest score. Players can also loot weapons from the ground.
I made this game using Unity.

Early version of the game

Project Info

  • Project: Shoot’em
  • Role(s): Gameplay programmer
  • Engine: Unity
  • Platform: PC
  • Development time:  3 weeks (~50H)

My responsibilities

  • Multiple players joining
  • Weapon system
  • Animation
  • Effect
  • Main game mecanics